Tag Archives: fairie

hallowe’en faerie cottage (yes, really)

In case anyone ever wondered where I got my planty obsessions, for better or worse, we don’t have to look far. The, er, pumpkin, doesn’t grow far from the vine.  My interests in all things garden, plant, art and craft–and cottagey–can be traced right to my mom. And the good news is, she’s got SKILLS!

As a hallow’s eve treat, I’m sharing photos that appeared in my inbox this week, documenting her latest project.  She is like Martha Stewart to the fae! Who wouldn’t want to live in this pepo palace?!




























Extra points to those who can spot the many herbs she’s included (where’s the poke?) and extra-extra points for those who can ID the types of acorns involved. She’s not just crafty, that mama, she’s clever, too.




























































At this time of year when many honor the ancestors, I’ll take this opportunity to send a shout-out to my mom, for passing on how to make a decent faerie house (essential skill in any gardener’s tool box!), but also for just being her magically excellent self.

Happy Hallowe’en everyone!





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